There's a new player in the prebiotic soda game, and it's Coca-Cola. We got our hands on the brand's newly launched Simply ...
可口可乐与百事可乐这对老对手,再次在饮料市场狭路相逢,这次争夺的焦点是一个新兴品类——益生元汽水。近日,可口可乐在美国市场率先出招,宣布旗下天然无添加果汁品牌Simply推出全新益生元汽水系列Simply Pop。
对于巨头们来说,后发探索益生元汽水赛道也拥有明显的优势。正如可口可乐在汽水领域占据主导地位超过 100 年,此前在功能性饮料中也有过大量布局,营销和分销实力雄厚……这些优势使其能在与规模较小的竞争对手的竞争中占上风。
Coca-Cola launches Simply Pop following reports in early 2024 that it had been exploring an acquisition of startup Poppi.
Coca-Cola is stepping into the emerging prebiotic soda market with its own line of soda alternatives. According to The ...
2月18日,可口可乐宣布旗下品牌Simply将推出益生元苏打水新系列Simply ...
Like other prebiotic sodas on the market, Coke’s new Simply Pop contains an added boost of soluble fiber, or a type of fiber that dissolves in water (as opposed to insoluble fiber, BTW ...
Coke and PepsiCo are jumping into the fast-growing market for prebiotic sodas, now cornered by upstarts Olipop and Poppi.
Prebiotic soda. Apparently the concept is catching on. Where previously it was largely the province of small brands like ...
Coca-Cola is entering its own contender in the trendy prebiotic soda category to compete with the popular "gut-healthy" sodas ...
Coca-Cola enters the prebiotic soda market with Simply Pop: a move projected to take the fast-growing category to the next ...
Coke is stepping into the prebiotic soda market with a new "fruit-forward line of beverages": Simply Pop. The new products, an extension of Coke's "Simply" line, do not have any added sugar and ...