Ce camp de formation en ligne gratuit est temporairement indisponible. Plus de 5 400 fonctionnaires de partout au Canada se sont inscrits à la formation «Comment adopter le numérique dans la fonction ...
In conflict settings, women and children often bear the brunt of war’s devastating impact. The instability, displacement, and desperation wrought by conflict create a perfect storm for violations of ...
Every year, governments from across the world gather for the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) to tackle climate change. The COPs are crucial in coordinating ambitious climate action at the ...
The problem: A VUCA world cannot be met with business-as-usual responses. Why it matters: Societies must quickly adapt to changing conditions. Smarter policy leadership is vital. The solution: Get ...
Generatywna AI już teraz przekształca społeczeństwa, a rządy słusznie koncentrują się na zarządzaniu ryzykiem, ale ta technologia oferuje również ogromny potencjał w zakresie zwiększenia ...
L'AI generativa sta già trasformando le società e i governi si concentrano giustamente sulla gestione dei rischi, ma questa tecnologia offre anche un enorme potenziale per aumentare la produttività ...
Generative KI transformiert bereits Gesellschaften, und Regierungen konzentrieren sich zu Recht darauf, Risiken zu managen, doch diese Technologie bietet auch enormes Potenzial, um die Produktivität ...
John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton’s win ends the doubts about the importance of AI The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded jointly to John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton for their ...
Have you ever sat back and problematised whether strategy and policy developments are experienced as fair? Or asked yourself whose needs are your strategies meeting - is it the people you serve? Your ...
How a Centre of Government is structured is critical to turning policy into practice and clearly in the case of the UK, it ...
It is worth noting that breaking a project into smaller tasks makes it easier to manage bureaucratic delays. Rather than becoming overwhelmed by the entirety of the project, you can focus on achieving ...