New research has shown that children perform cognitive tasks quicker on their own, rather than in the presence of an adult ...
There have been increasing concerns that the introduction of the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc) and Progress 8 has put arts subjects at risk, with GCSE arts entries falling A report by the Education ...
Research shows that obese children and adolescents are more likely to become obese adults and also develop various diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and a worrying 30 per cent of children in England ...
Following a recent government announcement, offsite construction must now be considered for all public sector building projects. Offsite manufacture for construction refers to building processes that ...
Shortly before the government reshuffle, Dominic Savage, director general of BESA asked Michael Gove what policy he was most proud of during his four-year term. He responded that it was the autonomy ...
For over a decade, technology has been gradually transforming the education sector. The increased variety of equipment and software means that technology is no longer restricted to the ICT classroom.
Every individual within the education sector has a responsibility to understand how GDPR will affect them. Ursula Oliver shares views and advice from the industry The move to GDPR will be much needed, ...
Shortly before the government reshuffle, Dominic Savage, director general of BESA asked Michael Gove what policy he was most proud of during his four year term. He responded that it was the autonomy ...
Opening school sports facilities to the community can deliver health benefits locally – while creating a valuable source of income. Sport England discusses how its new ‘Use Our School’ digital tool ...
A well-designed lighting scheme can not only save on energy bills, it can have a positive impact on a child’s performance and well-being at school, writes Jo Jackson from the Lighting Industry ...
In recent years we have seen a welcome increase in schools’ budgets, but of course without ring-fenced funding and an increasing level of autonomy in schools, it is less clear how this money is ...
What does the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mean to those in education? Education Business caught up with some experts from the GDPR Advisory Board to grill them about the regulation’s ...