進入2023,我們可以看到,「降本增效」依然是企業發展的一大重要議題,而「增效」將會成為企業家在市場中的長久性課題。在2023 Microsoft Dynamics 365第一波更新中,無論是透過 AI 提供數據見解和建議操作、簡化並自動化重複性例行任務,還是無縫整合營運流程 ...
Read the English version here. Dalam era digital yang semakin berkembang pesat, pelindungan data pribadi menjadi isu yang sangat krusial. Undang-Undang Pelindungan Data Pribadi (UU PDP) memberikan ...
Read the Indonesian version here. In the rapidly evolving digital era, personal data protection has become a very crucial issue. The Personal Data Protection Law (PDP Law) provides an important legal ...
오늘 새로운 마이크로소프트 캠퍼스에서 열린 이벤트에서 마이크로소프트는 AI 기술로 설계된 코파일럿(Copilot)+ PC 라는 새로운 윈도우(Windows) PC 카테고리를 전 세계에 소개했습니다. 코파일럿+ PC는 지금까지 출시된 윈도우 PC 중 가장 빠르고 지능적인 모델입니다.
La colaboración de las tres entidades permitirá la puesta en marcha de una iniciativa de formación online gratuita dirigida a jóvenes madrileños de entre 16 y 26 años, que forman la denominada ...
People have always looked for patterns to explain the universe and to predict the future. “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning” is an adage predicting the weather.
Por: Vasu Jakkal, vicepresidenta corporativa de seguridad, cumplimiento, identidad y gestión. A medida que el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Ciberseguridad celebra su 21º año, está claro que este ...
Vi lever i en tid, hvor det globale samfund gennemgår en revolution, drevet af udviklingen inden for kunstig intelligens. Kunstig intelligens har haft en eksplosiv vækst de senere år, som ultimativt ...
Soon after the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, local photographers began documenting the destruction of cultural sites to help preserve the country’s heritage and collect evidence for restitution. But a ...
“I believe that AI will be so seamlessly integrated into our lives that we won’t even notice it,” says Kalin Dimtchev, Country Manager of Microsoft Bulgaria and General Manager of Microsoft for the ...
Rome, 2 October, 2024 – In its largest investment in Italy to date, Microsoft today announced a €4.3 billion initiative in the next two years to expand its hyperscale cloud and AI datacenter ...