Jackal, we're smelling the caravan survivors. We are reaping the bloody crops on the fields of war. The flesh of any corpse was good for our empty stomachs. Hunger drives us to follow the stench. O ...
"Nuk po xhelozoj, vetëm kam inat", Pasi pranoi që nuk ka ndjenja, Gjesti kërkon llogari nga Egli pse rri me banorët e rinj ...
Shërbimi Meteorologjik Ushtarak bëri të ditur se depërtimi i masave ajrore relativisht të thata e të ftohta me origjinë veriore do të bëjë që edhe për ditën e premte moti të jetë i qëndrueshëm dhe i ...
Last night at 21:15 PM, a house burned down in the village of Illovica, Strumica. According to information from the Strumica Fire Department, three fire trucks and 10 firefighters participated in ...
Italian police have carried out a series of raids against mafia clans operating in and around Palermo, Sicily. More than 1200 police officers took part in the major operation, and the Carabinieri ...
The great rebel and anti-conformist of this century (20th), Eugène Ionesco, due to his popularity, that is, his world fame, has himself become an institution. He has been made a lifelong member of the ...
Qendra për Energji dhe Qëndrueshmëri e Universitetit të Prishtinës, e përkrahur nga Ministria e Ekonomisë, ka ndarë certifikatat për 46 auditorët që kanë ndjekur trajnimet për Auditor të Energjisë në ...
Fragments of a hand grenade were found in the bodies of the victims, after the crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin's plane - says Vladimir Putin ...
Dubai's public parking operator, Parkin PJSC, has announced a review of parking fees in several areas. And according to foreign media, the changes affect drivers in areas such as Barsha Heights, Dubai ...
Three bodies have been found in a house in Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany. Police believe it was a family tragedy. A 45-year-old woman is believed to have killed her two sons and then herself.
Ndonëse ne e kemi mundësinë të qëndrojmë larg njerëzve të sëmurë, mjekët dhe infermierët nuk mund ta bëjnë këtë. Është detyra e tyre të jenë pranë dhe të kujdesen për të sëmurët gjatë gjithë ditës, ...
Joz Marku was eliminated today (Wednesday) from Big Brother VIP Albania 4. This comes after the harsh statement he made towards Gjesti after the show, calling him a 'shkine bastard'. The reasons for ...