David Smith says although he is surprised how far Labour has gone the practice drives poorer tenants into the arms of ...
Average arrears rose from £1,802 to £2,597 last year which is a rise of 44% says deposit alternative firm Reposit.
A Haringey Council crackdown on landlords and agents is part of its new 'zero tolerance' policy, says chief Sarah Williams.
Moverly’s analysis of housing transaction data shows the property market is running 9% below typical 2014 – 2019 levels.
The Lettings Hub has been acquired by Canopy, giving the combined business a database of some 2,500 letting agents.
Property Sense’s tech enables agents to pre-qualify tenants before construction even begins on BTR developments.
Nathan Emerson, CEO of Propertymark, comments: “A slight rise in inflation had been widely speculated, especially with the ...
Iamproperty Co-founder, Ben Ridgway, says the rush to complete before the SDLT hike is focusing attentions on outdated ...
Solicitors and agents need to forge better relationships – it will make everyone's jobs easier and speed up property sales, ...
New RICS President Justin Sullivan accused of not grasping the detail or answering questions properly during moth mansion ...
Both Goodlord and NRLA say more landlords have or are about to shrink portfolios, while tenant demand continues to be super ...
Experts say a probe into the pricing policies of Rightmove, as called for in an agent petition, could hit its share price.