Anglican–Orthodox dialogue began in 1973, when the Anglican–Orthodox Joint Doctrinal Discussions (A/OJDD) held its first meeting in Oxford. The first phase of the dialogue was concluded by the ...
The world is facing a triple environmental crisis of biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution. In October and November 2024, two major UN COPs (Conference of the Parties) will meet to address ...
In just over 26,340 square Kilometres are over 1 million Anglicans, out of a quickly growing population of 8.7 million. The former Ruanda Mission established its first station at Gahini in 1925 and ...
The Mexican Episcopal Church symbolically began with Mexico's war for independence in 1810. Religious reform in 1857 secured freedom of religion, separating the Roman Catholic Church from government ...
British immigrants brought Anglicanism to South America during the nineteenth century. The South American Missionary Society continues to work among indigenous peoples. In 1974, the Archbishop of ...
The name of the Church in Maori is, ‘Te Hahi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tireni, ki Nga Moutere o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa.’ Formerly known as the Church of the Province of New Zealand, the Church covers ...
Until 1970, the Church was part of the Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon. The first Anglican services were held in 1796, and missionaries began their work in 1818. Colombo is the older ...
The Church covers Jerusalem, Iran, Cyprus and the Gulf. The Jerusalem bishopric was founded in 1841 and became an archbishopric in 1957. Reorganization in January 1976 ended the archbishopric and ...
The Church was inaugurated in 1970 after many years of preparation. It includes the Anglican Church, the United Church of Northern India (Congregationalist and Presbyterian). The Methodist Church ...
The Province is the oldest in Africa. British Anglicans met for worship in Cape Town after 1806, with the first Bishop appointed in 1847. The twenty-eight dioceses of the Province extend beyond the ...
Anglican religious orders are organisations of laity and/or clergy in the Anglican Communion who live under a common rule. They are to be distinguished from Holy Orders, the sacrament which bishops, ...
After the United States of America won its freedom from the Kingdom of Great Britain following the War for Independence, former Church of England laity and clergy reorganized in 1785 at a General ...