Christine de Pisan (Christine de Pizan) was a medieval writer and historiographer who advocated for women’s equality. Her works, considered to be some of the earliest feminist writings, include poetry ...
Anne Marbury Hutchinson was a Puritan, who held discussions in her home in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, critiquing the Bible and Puritan laws. These sessions, which were in opposition to society’s ...
As a Brooklyn Museum intern, you’ll join a dynamic group of emerging arts professionals to reenvision the future of museums while gaining workplace skills through hands-on, real-world projects. We’ll ...
Get paid $16 per hour. Second-year Teen Night Planning Committee members serve as leaders in the program and are paid $17 per hour. Work up to 75 hours for the year! MetroCards will be provided to ...
Hildegarde of Bingen, also known as St. Hildegard and the Sybil of the Rhine, was an enormously influential and spiritual woman, who paved the way for other women to succeed in a number of fields from ...
According to the Book of Samuel in the Old Testament, the Witch of Endor possessed an unusual power: she owned a talisman with which she could summon the dead. At the request of King Saul of Israel, ...
Agnes Sampson was part of the 1590–92 witchcraft trials in North Berwick, Scotland, touched off by the testimony of accused witch Geillis Duncan. The examiners used torture to extract confessions from ...
Alessandra Giliani was reputedly the surgical assistant to Modino de’ Luzzi (d. 1326), a professor of medicine at the University of Bologna who published a foundational book on anatomy in 1316.
In 1849, the Philadelphia daguerreotypists William and Frederick Langenheim introduced the lantern slide: a transparent image on glass that could be projected, in magnified form, onto a surface using ...
Aviator and women’s rights activist Amelia Earhart remains an iconic figure seventy years after her death. She had learned to fly in 1920, buying her first plane in 1922. She was a social worker at a ...
From our beginnings as Brooklyn’s first public circulating library to the global cultural hub we are today, the Brooklyn Museum’s story has always been one of evolution and transformation. Nurtured by ...
Artemisia Gentileschi was an early Italian Baroque painter, and the only female follower of Caravaggio, whom she worked with in Italy in the early 17th century. Her innovative compositions and focus ...