As they take up their new role, each professor at the University of Helsinki holds a public inaugural lecture. Inaugural lectures are held twice a year close to the end of each term, usually in May ...
Researchers from Spain, Finland and Canada have shown for the first time that electric sparks can be guided using ultrasonic waves. Electric sparks are used for welding, powering electronics, killing ...
Kielituetut osaamispolut pääkaupunkiseudun maahanmuuttajille työvoimapula-aloille -projektin tavoitteena on tukea aliedustettujen ryhmien pääsyä korkeakoulutukseen ja parantaa koulutusorganisaatioiden ...
A recent study published in One Earth has uncovered compelling evidence suggesting that the climate effects of new particles in urban areas have been significantly underestimated. Particles play a ...
The purpose of this page is to gather all the cutting-edge research, development, and education activities in the field of 6G carried out in our University. Our aim is to create a centralized hub that ...
At the beginning of February, Mikko Lilja, DSc (Technology), assumed the role of professor of practice at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics. His three-year ...
KIVAPE-opinnot (Kielituetut varhaiskasvatuksen perusopinnot) on tarkoitettu varhaiskasvatusalasta kiinnostuneille maahanmuuttajille. KIVAPE-opinnot eivät yksin anna varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan ...
The specIAnt group had their research retreat in Zandvoort, Netherlands the last week. As a group we discussed research group goals and member expectations, as well as time for each member to discuss ...
NNDR PhD course is on its way! The next host country of NNDR conference organises a PhD course. Online meetings 28-30th of April and in person meeting 5th and 6th of May in Helsinki. Registration for ...
Ekologisessa kompensaatiossa ihmisen toiminnan, kuten rakentamisen, aiheuttamia luontohaittoja kompensoidaan tuottamalla vastaavia luontohyötyjä toisaalla. Alan tutkijoiden ja asiantuntijoiden ...
Are you looking for more information about life science technologies and services at FIMM? Do you not know which technology to select or how to optimize the technology usage to avoid common pitfalls ...
Piret Peiker held a seminar presentation end of last year on the topic Self-Colonizing Translations?The Language Renewal Project of the Young Estonia Movement (1905-1915) and Its Afterlives.Our ...