Maureen Santos is an ecologist and political scientist, currently serving as coordinator of the Politics and Alternatives ...
The Trump Administration's funding freezes and mass firings of USDA staff will cause widespread harm and chaos in the farm ...
A federal judge found that the Red Dog Mine violated the Clean Water Act more than 600 times. U.S. District Court Judge John Sedwick in Anchorage denied several hundred other alleged pollution claims ...
Mandatory corporate climate-related disclosure is gaining momentum. In this article, we investigate the effect of global ...
TOKYO - At a run-down three-storey office block in downtown Tokyo, government clerks and secretaries cool off amongst azaleas, hydrangeas and even blueberry bushes during coffee breaks, seemingly far ...
After a sharp decline in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2020, Minnesota’s emissions rose in 2021 and 2022, according to ...
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As we navigate the changing political landscape, IATP remains committed to our principles, including evidence, public accountability and human dignity. We have created a hub for our work tracking the ...
Wetlands, now valued by Minnesotans -- but hardly preserved -- were once considered a scourge, here and elsewhere in the eastern United States. In part this was because wetlands impeded settlement.
The EU’s Vision for Agriculture and Food has prepared some of the field for sowing, but there is still a long way to go for a fair and sustainable harvest ...
`Regulatory protection' is but one name for the tens of thousands of cost-raising, behind-the-border measures that continue to substantially inhibit trade. Most of these measures are seemingly ...
Factory farms -- giant livestock farms also known as feedlots that house thousands of cows, chickens or pigs -- produce staggering amounts of animal wastes. As a new NRDC report shows, the way these ...