Israeli strikes killed 22 people and injured more than 100 in central Beirut on Thursday, Lebanese authorities said, as a senior Hezbollah official evaded an Israeli assassination attempt in the city, ...
Florida's sun and low taxes enticed         many hedge funds and other financial professionals to move         south. Now another massive hurricane is putting that love affair         to the test, but ...
Ratan Tata, the former Tata Group chairman who put a staid and sprawling Indian conglomerate on the global stage with a strin ...
U.S. prosecutors said         Donald Trump was acting outside the scope of his duties as         president when he pressured state officials and then-Vice         President Mike Pence to try to ...
Israel said it bombed Houthi targets in Yemen on Sunday and mounted further airstrikes in Lebanon, expanding its confrontation with Iran's allies in the region two days after killing the ...
港鐵表示, 由於現時為假日出行高峰時間, 目前經羅湖管制站及落馬洲支線管制站過關的乘客較多, 為配合關口人潮管制措施, 東鐵綫前往羅湖及落馬洲站的列車班次作出調整, 個別列車的終點站改爲大埔墟站, 前往羅湖及落馬洲站的乘客需先下車, 然後乘搭下一班車繼續行程.         東鐵綫車站已加派職員協助乘客及加强訊息發放.
China's ByteDance, the parent of social media platform TikTok, has laid off more than 700 workers from its Malaysian unit as the company shifts focus towards greater use of AI in content moderation, t ...
運輸署表示, 港珠澳大橋珠海口岸往珠海方向的車輛通關廣場現時非常繁忙, 金巴乘客需輪候較長時間. 計劃駕駛私家車或乘搭金巴經大橋往珠澳的市民, 應妥善規劃行程, 預留充裕交通時間, 同時在輪候時保持忍讓. 市民可透過「港珠澳大橋珠海口岸」或 「珠海發布」微信公眾號內的 「大橋口岸實時通關」服務, 查詢大橋珠海口岸的車輛實時通關情況.         另外, 鑑於進入深圳灣管制站的跨境私家車眾多, ...
At least 20 miners were killed in an attack by armed men on a small private coal mine in the southwestern Pakistani province of Balochistan on Friday, police said. “A group of armed men attacked the J ...
有市民在連鎖個人用品店萬寧尖沙咀分店購物後, 遭便衣保安粗暴對待. 警方列作普通襲擊案處理, 暫時未有人被捕.         香港物業管理及保安職工總會前理事、保安導師袁思桐在電台節目說, 如便衣保安懷疑有人偷竊, 必須要等對方離開店舖後才可表明身份執行職務, 要求出示單據, 如對方不合作, 可作出「合法拘捕」, 然後交給警方處理. 保安員可使用最低武力, 避免涉事人逃走, 但不需要箍頸、拖回店 ...
今日是重陽節, 行政長官李家超等代表, 到香港大會堂紀念花園出席官方紀念儀式, 向二次大戰中為保衛香港而捐軀者表達追思.         儀式於早上8時開始, 現場先升起國旗及區旗並奏唱國歌, 其後出席嘉賓默哀兩分鐘悼念. 李家超及出席紀念儀式的不同代表, 先後獻上花圈.         出席儀式的人士亦包括政府高級官員、 司法界代表、 立法會主席梁君彥、 行政會議召集人葉劉淑儀、 中央政府駐港機 ...
美國共和黨總統候選人特朗普提議汽車貸款利息可抵稅, 並阻止中國汽車製造商在美國銷售汽車, 力求在競選活動的最後幾周討好汽車工人.         特朗普在底特律經濟俱樂部長達約兩小時的演講中, 批評電動汽車、代表汽車工人的美國汽車工人聯盟, 甚至是底特律市. 特朗普又說, 他將徵收新的關稅, 以阻止中國汽車製造商在墨西哥生產汽車並將其出口到美國.         特朗普周日曾說, 將徵收高達百分之 ...