This project started almost 10 years ago. My kids LOVE Halloween and they wanted to try a new Halloween activity every day for the month of October. Kind of like a Halloween advent calendar. I loved ...
Did you know white light is separated into many colours when looking through a prism? Imagine having a toy that is a tube with a mirrored prism inside it, and when you look into it, you see many ...
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Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
If you’re looking for a fun Halloween Project that combines science, art and a little math, but also is hands on to build dexterity and fine motor skills, try a Halloween Salt Dough Project! Not only ...
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Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Salt dough ornaments are one of my all-time favorite projects to do with kids around the holidays. Best of all they work for any holiday, we have done spooky Halloween-themed ornaments, Christmas tree ...
Let’s take a quick look at the science of this easy build. When you stretch a rubber band, you’re storing energy in it. This stored energy is called potential energy. When you let the rubber band go, ...
Shadow puppets have been around for centuries. It is believed by many that shadow puppetry originated in China over 2000 years ago during the Han Dynasty (140 – 87 BCE). The emperor Han Wudi was ...