There’s an innate tension between school safety and students’ civil rights. The 74’s Mark Keierleber keeps you up to date on ...
The nation needs more education research, not an end to it. Here are five ideas for a more strategic, agile, relevant and ...
Helping take care of children’s medical needs in school is a step forward. Taking that away is such a step backward,’ student disabilities advocate.
As Trump edicts drive donations down, suicide hotlines ring off the hook and the future of in-school protections are in doubt ...
Schlitz: With a North Texas district considering breaking in two, should Black residents fight to stay there with little ...
It’s a real shame,’ said Maryland ed chief Carey Wright, who’d hoped to tap the federal labs to recreate their past literacy ...
Many of the efforts focused on increasing teacher diversity, which now, officials say 'is inconsistent' with the ...
The poll, which has been published since 2001, found that 73% of 1,005 respondents were dissatisfied with the public schools.
Millions in local taxes, buses and schools could go from districts to charters, who educate more than half of students in ...
Schwalbach: 21 states across the political spectrum allow students to enroll in district schools outside their residential ...
Surprise cuts at Institute of Education Sciences spare NAEP but suspend millions of dollars in ongoing contracts.
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