La Nuda Verità sui cavi di potenza The TNT Star: un semplice progetto per cominciare The TNT Triple T: cavo di potenza con cavo CAT 5 intrecciato The TNT Triple T: cavo di potenza con cavo CAT 5 ...
This was an old article (dating back 1997!) of our Italian edition of TNT-Audio that had never been translated into English. As many of you already know, the Italian edition of TNT-Audio contains many ...
A long time ago, in an analogue era far away, preamps were complicated things, with volume, balance, tone and loudness controls. They also had phonostages, tape loops and outputs for headphones.
Oh no. Cables. Not that old HiFi chestnut again! Quick, shut him up HE IS GOING TO TALK ABOUT CABLES! The naked truth about cables? It is simply, that all this cable nonsense is Bovine Excrement! I am ...
So, you just bought these new Speakers (or build a pair yourself). Where do you put them? I take it for given that most of you, just like me will not be able to afford a special build, acoustically ...
The V3 is a small integrated amplifier with a single line input, a volume knob (which acts as a rotary on switch), an external 32V power supply and that's it. Ah no, actually there is a pre-out (on ...
Part 1 of DIY Lenco Tonearm Fixes discussed modifications that were implemented on some of the many Lenco turntables owned over the past few years. Part 2 will discuss some ideas for further tweaks ...
From the point of view of look, well, black granite is a beautiful stone, but unhappily is typically used (in Italy at least) for tombstones and similar devices.... Definitely, an absolutely ...
Questa è la terza registrazione della Soundkeeper Recordings che recensisco. Mentre le altre due sono state registrate secondo lo standard molto elevato per il quale la Soundkeeper Recordings è ...
Section devoted to DIY and tweaking. Free online projects of amplifiers, loudspeakers, cables, accessories plus articles on easy upgrades for commercial components. All the designs are FREE and NOT ...
As the great debate still rages on about analog vs. digital, I don't know if it will ever end. It might someday. Maybe when they (the digital gurus out there) finally figure out that CD's sound, well ...
Recently I was in conversation with a manufacturer of turntables and arms. He said that in his opinion, given a basic level of competence in the turntable, the arm was responsible for 80% of the sound ...