The usefulness and political implications of Area Studies programs are currently debated within the Academy and the Administration, where they are often treated as one homogenous and stagnant domain ...
From ski towns to national parks, fresh fruit to environmental lawsuits, the Sierra Nevada has changed the way Americans live. Whether and where there was gold to be mined redefined land, mineral, and ...
A concise and feisty takedown of the all-style, no-substance tech ventures that fail to solve our food crises. Why has Silicon Valley become the model for addressing today's myriad social and ...
This explosive investigation reveals the profound failures of the Title IX system and identifies concrete, surprisingly simple steps we can take to protect students. The debate over campus sexual ...
Margaret Levi's wide-ranging theoretical and historical study demonstrates the importance of political relative to economic factors in accounting for revenue production policies. "A marvelous read, ...
Since the 2016 U.S. presidential election, concerns about fake news have fostered calls for government regulation and industry intervention to mitigate the influence of false content. These proposals ...
I joined about forty persons in a nondescript conference room somewhere near Saint Paul, Minnesota, in late April 2008. Most were veterans of the 1993-94 national health reform campaign conducted ...
the transformation of editorial roles in today’s publishing environment new applications, processes, and protocols for on-screen editing major changes in editorial resources, such as online ...
An eye-opening account of the failures of our financial system, the sources of its staying power, and the path to meaningful economic reform. Bankers brought the global economic system to its knees in ...
The construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border—whether to build it or not—has become a hot-button issue in contemporary America. A recent impasse over funding a wall caused the longest ...
From the Jaws of Victory: The Triumph and Tragedy of Cesar Chavez and the Farm Worker Movement is the most comprehensive history ever written on the meteoric rise and precipitous decline of the United ...
Hiding in Plain Sight tells the story of the global effort to apprehend the world’s most wanted fugitives. Beginning with the flight of tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals and their collaborators ...