每月统计的会员国全额支付数目: ...
对世界各国而言,水既是一种重要资源,也是一项重大挑战。水资源的质量和供应对国民长期健康、经济增长和社会发展至关紧要。根据2023年发布的 ...
土壤污染因降低农作物的产量和品质而影响粮食安全。没有健康的土壤,我们就无法生产粮食,实现#零饥饿#。粮农组织图片 防止土壤污染 虽然我们 ...
Les villes, moteurs de la croissance et de la reprise Cette année, la Journée mondiale de l'habitat a pour objectif de réunir les différents acteurs urbains pour discuter des moyens de ...
8 October 2024 - Over 200 high-level policymakers and senior government officials with scientists, engineers, innovators, entrepreneurs and representatives of science and technology communities, the ...
The Global Observance of World Habitat Day, marked on 7 October 2024, is under the theme “Engaging youth to create a better urban future.” This event aims to address the challenges and ...
The Trusteeship Council, one of the main organs of the UN, was established to supervise the administration of trust territories as they transitioned from colonies to sovereign nations. The Council ...
Tourism, often highlighted for its role in economic development, also plays a significant role in fostering peace. On a global level, where nations are interconnected and interdependent, Tourism ...
1. Nosotros, los representantes de los pueblos del mundo, reunidos en la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible en Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica) del 2 al 4 de septiembre de 2002, reafirmamos ...