If you want to be envied, be jealous。这是奢侈品品牌Gucci的一条广告语 ,中译为“若欲惹人羡,先怀嫉妒心”。
▲ 新加坡眼,点击卡片关注,加星标,以防失联2024年9月9日,新加坡社会及家庭发展部长马善高在国会答复三巴旺集选区议员林伟杰医生有关过去一年独居老人在家去世的统计数据。以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英文资料翻译整理:             ...
Editor’s Note: Since the reform and opening-up, China has undergone profound transformations, with foreign multinational companies playing a key role. As important participants, they have provided ind ...
The Global Award for Sustainable Development in Cities (Shanghai Award) will be presented overseas for the first time this ...
直播吧10月25日讯 NBA常规赛,国王115-117惜败森林狼,无缘开门红。 赛后,国王新援德罗赞谈到了本场全队3人得分20+的现象:“这支球队的活力让人难以想象,我对这帮家伙充满了信心。一旦找到节奏,那肯定会变得非常恐怖。(Once that ...
Bernstein believes the biggest factor for IPO appetite is post-listing performance. This year, the average return from ...
The short film "Swimming Lesson", supported by the "2024 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program" (hereinafter ...
HOHHOT, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Qiang has called for concrete efforts to facilitate the progress of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP) and ensure the supply of energy.
“很高兴能与FF签署这一协议,进一步帮助他们在阿联酋这一地理位置优越、充满潜力的地区推进业务,”Master投资集团首席执行官Sheikh Abdulla Al ...
As construction advances, the Cangnan-Taishun Expressway, a key infrastructure project in Zhejiang province, is set to enhance regional connectivity and drive high-quality development across 26 ...
Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of Renmin University Research Fellow Liu Ying stated that by enhancing economic and ...